Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Heart Radiance

"We are in the world to learn to love more. Each relationship is precious and significant, not the least our deep connection with ourselves. Each relationship is an opportunity to share the ultimate gift of active loving. We call this compassion. Remembering to share this gift is the truth of prayer, the way to peace, for love is the single most important attribute of Source-consciousness: God is love. There is no living being that does not deserve love, for it is our very nature. As we all deserve the gift of life, so we deserve love. This is the principle of Grace. Understanding and accepting Grace is fundamental to personal and global freedom."

Mas Rogers
From his site:
Mas Rogers with friend's children.

Mas Rogers passed away on January 3, 2011.  

Please share your stories, memories, and photos here.

If you want to post directly or would like me to post something for you, 
please write me at: russ.mcclay at

Mas' website is: